Review Books

AP Review Books

We are excited to announce the publication of our new AP review books, which are available for purchase on in paperback and Kindle formats. Each AP review book includes nearly 500 practice questions, ordered by topic and difficulty level, with detailed explanations and test-taking tips for every question. They are also the perfect complement to Long Island Regents Prep AP review classes! Long Island Regents Prep also offers thousands of practice questions for AP tests and quizzes on Teachers Pay Teachers.

ap biology review book

AP Biology Review

AP Biology Review contains over 500 multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations to help students review the essential concepts, methods, and skills to master the AP Biology exam.

ap psychology review book

AP Psychology Review

AP Psychology Review includes all the practice you need to score a 5 on the exam. This book contains over 400 multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations to help students review the essential concepts, methods, and skills to master the AP Psychology exam.

apush review book

AP U.S. History Review

AP U.S. History Review prepares students to tackle the newly redesigned AP United States History exam with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to get a 5. There are nearly 500 practice AP US History multiple choice questions organized by topic and difficulty, and in-depth answer explanation for each, to ensure students maximizes the efficiency of his or her study program.

ap calc review book

AP Calculus AB Review

AP Calculus AB Review includes all the practice you need to score a 5 on the exam. This book contains nearly 400 multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations to help students review the essential concepts, methods, and skills to master the AP Calculus AB exam.

ap macro review book

AP Macroeconomics Review

AP Macroeconomics Review includes all the practice you need to score a 5 on the exam. This book contains over 400 multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations to help students review the essential concepts, methods, graphs, and skills to master the AP Macroeconomics exam.